“Bettering Data”
Bettering Data is a collaborative effort between criminologists and educators at Georgia State University and workers at DataWorks, a training and data service provider at Georgia Tech that focuses on empowering underrepresented youth in computing. Central to this project is a video that employs visualization to narrate the story of arrests in Atlanta, symbolized through two contrasting hands: One referencing the “Hands up, don’t shoot” slogan that arose from the tragic shooting of Michael Brown in 2014, and the other holding a 3D space-time cube where arrest data from 2020 materializes as dots falling onto a map of Atlanta's neighborhoods. Larger, red dots are homicides while all other arrests are shown in black. By transforming arrest data into a narrative, Bettering Data seeks to foster discussion and dialogue about police-community relations. This project highlights the potential of data visualization to encourage critical reflection and discussion about complex social and political issues.
Shapiro, B.R., Meng, A., Rothschild, A., Gilliam, S., Garrett, C., DiSalvo, C., & DiSalvo, B. (2022). “Bettering Data”: The Role of Everyday Language and Visualization in Critical Novice Data Work. Journal of Education, Technology & Society, 25(4), 109-125. PDF